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Monday, August 20, 2012

Wow I was nominated!!! Woohoo!!!

How cool is this?!!! I am so excited and honored
that my fellow Blogger friend Kim from
nominated me for a 
"Very Inspiring Blogger Award!! 
Wow I'm so speechless and thankful for this. 
Blessings to you Goddess Kim 
for brightening my day!

Now, the rules for accepting this awesome 
award are as follows: 

1) Display the award logo on your blog 

2) Link back to the person who nominated you 

3) List 7 things about yourself 

4) Nominate 15 others as well for this award 
and link to them 

5) Notify those bloggers of their nominations 
and the award's requirements 

Okay so ~ 7 things about me ... 

1) I have been an Eclectic Solitary Pagan 
about 13 years. You could call me a 
kitchen/green/gothic witch 
that brings 
in Native American teachings along 
with passed down family Curandera techniques 
and also 
works with the Egyptian pantheon. 
Whew that's a lot to chew, lol. 

2) I'm a single mom of two gorgeous girls. 
One is 16 years old and the other is 5 years old. 
But my boyfriend of five years does help 
me out a lot with them. 

3) I have taken care of my elderly mother for 
the past 15 years. 
And we have learned to 
coexist being that I'm Pagan and 
Christian. I think that's how we all should be. 
Love and accept each other for what they are. 


5) I love to draw and make crafty things. 

6) I have a total of six half siblings. 
Three boys and three girls, 
two of the boys have departed from this 
realm but 
I shall see them again one day. 

7) And the most embarrassing thing to reveal. 
I love reality tv, 
yup I'm an addict, lol. 

Okay that's it, so now my nominees for the 
"Very Inspiring Blogger Award." are: 

Now I dont have a total of 15 because I do not 
that many blogs but if I could nominate 
@ The Wiccan Life blog again I would!!!! 
Her blog is so active and lovingly awesome.

Okay that's it for me, check out some of the blogs 
I nominated, some are not really active but they 
are still awesome to read. Blessed Be and enjoy. 

Love and Light... 

The Desert Siren


  1. Congrats, Mel! I enjoy your blog so very much and it is always so up-lifting and positive!

    And thank you for your kind words about my blog, too!

    Brightest Blessings, my friend ~


  2. I am almost done! YAY! I am working on the nominations part, this is so much fun and I didn't realize I am a closet follower until this, that is of the past. Thank You :)
