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Friday, August 17, 2012

Kids are funny.

So this will be a quick and small post about a moment that happened today.

Well my oldest daughter (16 yrs) and my hubby were sitting talking about tattoos. Well my hubby has a ton of tats on him and my 16 year old got her first one for her 16th birthday. Yeah I know that's a little to young but that is what she wanted and I had to approve the size and image. And myself have a small one on my left shoulder towards the back.

Well my 5 year old is sitting there and gets this huge pout on her face and when I asked her what was wrong she said "I dont have a tattoo, I'm not like the rest of the family".
So my foster son (who has tats as well and is an artist himself) pulled her aside and gave her a pretend one of her favorite character (Hello Kitty) which made her oh so happy.

Now what to do and say when it washes off. *UGH*

Hope everyone had a fabulous week and an even better weekend to come.

Love and Light.....


  1. LOL! Aww, she is really cute, Mel!!!



  2. That is the most adorable ever :) AW

  3. Mel, I just wanted you to know that I have just nominated you for a “Very Inspiring Blogger Award.” I enjoy your blog so much and I hope that you accept this award in the spirit in which it was intended! So, here are the rules should wish to accept this award: Display the award logo on your blog, Link back to the person who nominated you, State 7 things about yourself, Nominate 15 others for this award and link to them, Notify those bloggers of the nominations and the award's requirements.

    Brightest Blessings,
