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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Magical Family

I feel so happy that I have my little minions here in the house. LOL, all mai little wee folk who follow a magical path in some shape or form.

It was hard there for a few years. I was a young single mom who not only had to take care of myself and an infant but also got responsibility of my elderly sick mother who had no income at all. So working 35-36 hours a week at $7.50 was killing me and a very big burden on my shoulders. Then she (my mom)  is a hard core Christian to boot and I had to hear every day about how silly I was on choosing to be Pagan and hearing her teach my first born about Jesus and such. I never thought I would ever feel comfortable in my own home. But being a new mom, early 20's I didn't have much of a voice. Geez this was forever ago like 15 years or so.

Now at age 38 with a fiance' who does Dragon Magic along with being a practicing Druid, my first born picking to follow my pagan path after having to go to Catholic, Christian, and even temple with her Jewish grandmother (on her dad's side) I felt honored that she picked my path, getting a foster son who studied deep magic and is a very knowledgeable young man in his own right, and now having a 4 year old that by my choice is being taught to be a pagan. Yes my mom is still here teaching my youngest about Jesus but that's okay because I'm no longer dismissed on my beliefs or my religion is not being called silly.

I have altars and shrines all over my house along with a lot of fantasy type decor. Yes finally after all these years I have my magical home and my magical family. I love walking in and seeing them do their practice. My baby girl loves full moon rituals it so cute to see her talk to the Goddess and I love how after dinner my foster son (age 23 now) and my 16 year old practice tarot and divination in the dining room and smelling sweet aroma's of dragon's blood and other awesome stuff coming from my bedroom (my fiance').

Yes I do feel a little bad that now my mom is in my place how I was years ago but she has never been left out of any family events. She even took part in both my girls wiccaning and to be fair I offer to go with her to church so she doesn't have to sit there alone. So all in all we are doing pretty good co-existing with each other and to bad that's not how it is every where because its how it should be.

Below are just a few pics from around the house taken at different times just to give you an idea.
And remember don't ever give up on who you are or what you believe even if it seems the cards are against ya.

Love and Light......
Above is the dining room table after dinner. My oldest daughter, foster son and a friend left everything out when they were done practicing. Even the bbq sauce was left out, lol. It's in the center of the table.

Our cat Voodoo crashed out on his favorite rug. My pentacle rug which sits in front of my altar room.

And our backyard has the best view of the full moon. Yes our yard faces our beautiful Sandia Mountains as well. We are very lucky to have such a view. Also a picture I took of a fairy door we found at my youngest daughters favorite park to play. We were so excited we found it.


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