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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blessing Ritual

So a few weeks ago two of my dearest friends did a blessing ritual for my two girls. I guess you could compare it to a wiccaning but it was a little different. 
My 15 year old wanted to do it because after years of looking into different religions mainly because of her grandparents and her father all being of different religions. She did try the christian thing with her dad and grandmother. Catholic with her grandfather and Jewish with her other grandmother and time after time kept coming back to me with more and more questions on paganism. So finally she felt that she was at a time where she knew what she wanted and felt old enough to decide on her own what she wanted and that was my religion of the old ways. 
My youngest is 4 and I never got around to doing any type of blessing for her. A close friend of mine did do a Navajo blessing on her when she was 2 but being that she is all mine and no other family to shove different religions down her throat or in her head I'm raising her how I want to and that is for her to be Pagan.
It was a lovely event. Very intimate with only the closest of friends in attendance. We had an awesome potluck afterwards and a nice fire pit going in the evening. You could feel all the love in the air it was so nice.
I'm so grateful to the Goddess for giving me such a loving family and friends to do this for us. Just wanted to let everyone know that no matter the age it is never too late to get the blessing or choose the religion you want or feel comfortable with. 

Blessed Be )0(

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