So this subject goes back to my childhood experiences. When I was little I suffered from extreme night terrors. It would be so bad that my mother would have to wake me up because I would be crying out loud and screaming. We were a very poor family so I shared a room with my parents so my mom had to watch over me continuously.
As time went by I finally got my own room and the night terrors stopped. Well I think. It went from night terrors to seeing an individual in my home. It was a lady dressed in a long white dress with lace around the arms and a white silk ribbon tied around her waist. She is very thin, long black hair, white skin and it looked as if she had black holes for eyes.
I never felt that she wanted to hurt me or even frighten me but of course I was only a kid so yes she did scare the hell out of me. I would see her in mirrors during the day and at night she was always walking around our apartment and even would sit next to me in my bed. I would be so scared I would cover my head with the covers and wait till morning so I could run to the restroom.
After dealing with this and the night terrors for 10 years we finally moved and both stopped. So I just figured it must have been that particular place. And all had been well till the other day.
When all that happened it was 25 years ago. Recently my home has been amok with all kinds of emotions. Between my teen going through growing pains, my 4 year old thinking shes an adult and talking back along with bad behavior and my 23 year old son having housing issues and needing to move back in and me having domestic problems with my boyfriend who is now actually my ex-boyfriend but still needing to be in the house so he can help out a little with bills and save up for his own place there is a lot of bad emotions going on.
We all felt this so I smudged the home which helped for a little bit. Then I kept seeing little shadows here and there and so did a few others in the home. Again I cleansed the home and that disappeared. And with the separation between me and my mate I have been feeling a lot of anger not hurt. So hence I saw her once again!
But what makes this different is she was not coming to me but going to my teen daughters room! Like I said she doesn't feel as if she's a menacing spirit (or emotion whatever she is) but it freaked me out. I thought I was just seeing things looked in my daughters room and saw nothing. So I ignored it until my son came to me and told me he saw a woman sitting next to my daughter in her bed as she slept. I asked him to describe what he saw and there you go it was her. He described her exactly as I have always seen her. Being that I have never told my kids about her this was a shock. Finally my daughter and even her best friend had seen her walking in and out of the bathroom and they too described her the same way as I always have seen her.
After sitting and thinking about what was going on in the home I remembered that when I was growing up there were a lot of domestic issues between my parents and between my mom and my older sisters. And I was feeling the same way now as I did then. I think the lady in white is a part of me. A part of my emotional distress and she shows up. Now why she shows and how she helps I have yet to figure that out. But after relaxing, calming down, going out with friends for some laughter and coming to terms with the changes going on, she has disappeared once again.
I went ahead and cleansed the home again and everyone in it and things seem to be normal. But if anyone has any idea what this may be please enlighten me I would love to know.